Updating traditional furniture for modern living

Traditional chest of drawers painted light silver

Traditional-style furniture typically possesses a regal and stately presence, with ornate detailing and solid lines, such pieces hold a sense of grandeur that commands attention. Think of the elegance of a flame red mahogany dining table with matching chairs, or the imposing silhouette of a breakfront display cabinet presenting your favourite ornaments.

While possessing an artistry and craftsmanship associated with traditional design, our homes, lifestyles and taste evolves, and ultimately so must our furniture. It’s often the case that traditional pieces have resided in the same family for years. Handed down from one family member to the next and preserved for sentimental reasons.

In this respect our furniture is interwoven into our daily lives, and becomes part of a cherished memory or moment that we look back upon fondly. So, we consider ways to adapt and modernise treasured pieces of classic furniture, be it a dining room table that has hosted many memorable family gatherings or a display cabinet that has chronicled a family’s significant milestones.

Modern living and homes

Modern design marked the advent of a new way of living. We saw a shift away from homes with individual rooms and partition walls to open-plan living spaces. Whereas ornate and formal traditional designs were once popular, now the demand is for home decor that’s more streamlined, practical and relaxed.

And so we see dark, traditional furniture being slowly replaced with bright, more lightweight designs. Think Scandinavian or midcentury modern decor, both of which have enjoyed a huge revival in recent times. With these styles, there’s an emphasis on creating a home environment that’s bright and flowing – one that’s less formal and more sociable, created with the aim of bringing people together.

Changing furniture with the times

Sentimentality aside, it’s often the case that traditional-style furniture ages particularly well. Because these pieces tend to be more solid and robust in construction, they withstand the tracks of time comparatively better when compared to some modern designs. So, if you’re in two minds about keeping a traditional piece, there’s another reason to keep and modernise.

Let’s say you’ve made the decision to modernise, the next question is how best to approach? Neutral shades are a good choice to complement traditional-style furniture. This group of colours are relatively easy to introduce into to your existing decor, they are not tied to what’s fashionable or on trend, so won’t look dated a few years down the line, and neutral colours suit the classic lines of traditional design.

There’s an array of choice out there, which can make the process of choosing problematic, but a few of our personal favourites are Farrow & Ball’s Cornforth White, New White, Dimity, Skimming Stone and Elephant’s Breath. From the Colourtrend range, we like Oyster Bed, Subtle, Temperance and French White.

Perhaps what’s most surprising on seeing your furniture for the first time after having been spray painted is the transformation that’s taken place. Each piece still holds its original essence, but now it has a finish that will complement a modern decor scheme. We think modernising traditional furniture is a much better option than replacing, you get to enjoy your furniture for years to come, keeping pieces that are often much-loved and treasured.

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