The benefits of spray painting your furniture

Spray painted dining room table and chairs

Look around your home. Is there a chair or table sitting gathering dust, relegated to a corner somewhere because the style doesn’t quite match the rest of your furniture? Perhaps you’ve purchased a flat-pack table but the colour is bland and doesn’t suit the rest of your decor? Whichever category your furniture happens to fall into, spray painting offers a practical and personalised solution.

Not just for kitchens

While professional spray painting produces an exceptional finish for kitchen cabinetry, giving your kitchen a new look while rejuvenating the design at the same time, it’s benefits are not just confined to kitchens.

Spray painting is also a great way to update furniture, and put your own stamp on a table, bed, locker, chest of drawers etc. Let your creativity run free, and think about which colour schemes inspire you.

To help you choose the right shade for your furniture think about a palette of colours you return to time and time again, these are the shades that clearly strike a chord with you. It also helps to take a look over your current decor scheme to see which shades will complement your interior as it stands. Finally, if you’re planning on a larger-scale update, remember to factor this into your decision when choosing a new shade or shades for your furniture.

Modernising traditional furniture

Hands up who hasn’t kept a piece of traditional furniture for sentimental reasons? Classic-style furniture is often beautifully crafted from prized hardwood timbers, which gives these pieces a substantial look and feel. There are so many reasons to hang on to a traditional piece, but perhaps one of the best is that a traditional piece of furniture, be it a console, table or chair, can all be modernised successfully by spray painting.

So why disregard or replace just because times and tastes have changed? We’ve successfully transformed hundreds of traditional pieces for today’s homes. Take a look at these before and after images to see how spray painting revamped these household chairs.

Wooden arm chair before spray painting

Wooden arm chair before spray painting

Spray painted wooden arm chair

Spray painted wooden arm chair

Oak dining chair before spray painting

Oak dining chair before spray painting

Oak dining chair after spray painting.

Oak dining chair after spray painting.

Give flat-pack furniture character

Flat-pack furniture has something of a bad reputation, with its uniformity and limited rage of finishes. On the plus side flat-pack solves a problem with simple designs that can be constructed at your leisure, but on the other, such pieces can be bland and unremarkable.

For bland flat-pack in need of enhancing and personalising, spray painting offers the perfect solution. The dramatic change that spray painting achieves can be surprising, and we’re reminded the extent to which a new colour can transform our living space.

Aside from the obvious change to furniture, colour also influences not only our decor but also our mood. Think of how frequently greens and blues make an appearance in bathrooms and bedrooms. These soothing calming shades are chosen as a backdrop in these rooms for a reason. And of course the impact of colour doesn’t just begin and end with the shades we pick for our walls but also for our furniture. To find out more on the subject of colour psychology, check out this interesting article by Colourtrend.

Mix and match it your way

Choice – we love it, and having a palette of colours to choose from when you want a very specific shade is wonderful for putting your own stamp on a piece of furniture. Let’s say you’d like a cream shade, but one that’s neither too cool nor too warm. While it may be challenging to find furniture already painted in your preferred shade, with spray painting, there’s an array of shades to choose from, which makes getting the colour you want that much easier.

So, if you have a table, chair, bed etc that no longer matches your decor, but you love the design and you know which colour you want (or even if you don’t), then spray painting is a great solution. Drop us a line at or call 085 8489 748 to discuss renovating your furniture with spray painting, be in any style, shape, or design.

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